Track securesocial authenticated users in MongoDB.
App Configuration Service.
Store the bytes in a mongo gridFS.
Use Mongodb to store collections.
Use MongoDB to store Comments
MongoDB implementation of ContextLD service
Use Mongodb to store datasets.
Use MongoDB for storing events.
MongoDB implementation for ExtractionRequestsService to keep track of extraction requests
Use MongoDB to store extractions
Use mongo for both metadata and blobs.
Use Mongodb to store folders
Use mongodb to store institutions.
MongoDB Metadata Service Implementation
Use MongoDB to store previews
Use MongoDB to store Projects.
Track relationships between resources
Use MongoDB to store schedules
USe Mongodb to store section index information
USe MongoDB to store sections
Created by lmarini on 4/24/14.
Store Spaces in MongoDB.
Use Mongodb to store tags
Use Mongodb to store tempfiles.
Use MongoDB to store 3-d's
Use Mongodb to store thumbnails.
Use mongodb to mange tiles.
Wrapper around SecureSocial to get access to the users.
Mongo Salat service.
SecureSocial implementation using MongoDB.
Salat CurationObject model companion.
Salat CurationObjectMetadata model companion.
Salat CurationObjectMetadata model companion.
Temporary Fix: Creating a mongodb collection for keeping track of extractors details
Data Access Object for ExtractorDetail
ModelCompanion object for the models.
Used to store Mini users in MongoDB.
MongoDB context configuration.
Salat ProjectSpace model companion.
Used to store securesocial users in MongoDB.
Used to store Typed ID in MongoDB.
ModelCompanion object for the models.
Salat UserSpace model companion.