Add vocabulary definitions, leaving it unchanged if the update argument is set to false *
Add vocabulary definitions, leaving it unchanged if the update argument is set to false *
Add metadata to the metadata collection and attach to a section /file/dataset/collection
Add metadata to the metadata collection and attach to a section /file/dataset/collection
Delete vocabulary definitions*
Delete vocabulary definitions*
Edit vocabulary definitions*
Edit vocabulary definitions*
Get vocabulary based on id *
Get vocabulary based on id *
Get vocabulary based on uri *
Get vocabulary based on uri *
Get vocabulary based on uri and space *
Get vocabulary based on uri and space *
Vocabulary definitions for user fields *
Vocabulary definitions for user fields *
Vocabulary definitions with distinct names *
Vocabulary definitions with distinct names *
Get Extractor metadata by attachTo, from a specific extractor if given
Get Extractor metadata by attachTo, from a specific extractor if given
Get Metadata based on Id of an element (section/file/dataset/collection)
Get Metadata based on Id of an element (section/file/dataset/collection)
Get metadata based on type i.
Get metadata based on type i.e. user generated metadata or technical metadata
Get Metadata By Id
Get Metadata By Id
Get metadata context if available *
Get metadata context if available *
Remove all metadata definitions related to a space*
Remove all metadata definitions related to a space*
Remove metadata, if this metadata does not exist, nothing is executed.
Remove metadata, if this metadata does not exist, nothing is executed. Return removed metadata
Remove metadata by attachTo
Remove metadata by attachTo
Remove metadata by attached ID and extractor name *
Remove metadata by attached ID and extractor name *
Search for metadata that have a key in a dataset *
Search for metadata that have a key in a dataset *
Update author full name*
Update author full name*
Update metadata TODO: implement
Update metadata TODO: implement
MongoDB Metadata Service Implementation