Add a creator to the end of the dataset's list of creators
Add a creator to the end of the dataset's list of creators
Add file to dataset.
Add file to dataset.
Add Folder to dataset.
Add Folder to dataset.
Add follower to a dataset.
Add follower to a dataset.
Associate a dataset with a space
Associate a dataset with a space
Count all datasets
Count all datasets
Count all datasets the user has access to.
Count all datasets the user has access to.
Count all datasets in a collection
Count all datasets in a collection
Count all datasets in a space
Count all datasets in a space
Count all datasets the user has created.
Count all datasets the user has created.
Set new thumbnail.
Set new thumbnail.
to get a list of datasets which contain the given file.
to get a list of datasets which contain the given file.
Note: this function will return back a list of dataset, where a given file is either under a dataset directly or under a folder of a dataset.
This function will first get a list of dataset which directly contain a given file. Then to get a dataset which indirectly contain a given file, it will traverse back on the hierarchical paths from the folder of that give file to a dataset.
file id of a given file
a list of dataset objects
to get a list of datasets which directly contain the given file.
to get a list of datasets which directly contain the given file.
Note: directly contain a file means that the given file is not under any folder of a dataset. Warning: this function will not return the dataset if the given file is under a folder of this dataset.
file id of a given file
a list of dataset objects with option type
get dataset which contains the folder
get dataset which contains the folder
a Folder object
dataset containing this folder.
Get dataset.
Get dataset.
Get an Iterator over Datasets to process large result sets
Get an Iterator over Datasets to process large result sets
- limit to datasets in specific space
- include only datasets created after a certain date
- include only datasets created before a certain date
Return a list of tags and counts found in sections
Return a list of tags and counts found in sections
Change the metadataCount field for a dataset
Change the metadataCount field for a dataset
Queue a dataset to be indexed in Elasticsearch.
Queue a dataset to be indexed in Elasticsearch.
Queue all datasets to be indexed in Elasticsearch.
Queue all datasets to be indexed in Elasticsearch.
Insert dataset.
Insert dataset.
Check if dataset belongs to a collection.
Check if dataset belongs to a collection.
Check if a dataset is in a specific collection.
Check if a dataset is in a specific collection.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets in a collection starting at a specific date
Return a list of datasets in a collection starting at a specific date
Return a list of datasets in a collection
Return a list of datasets in a collection
Return a list of datasets in a collection
Return a list of datasets in a collection
Return a list of datasets in a collection starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a collection starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a collection, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a collection, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a collection, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a collection, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space
Return a list of datasets in a space
Return a list of datasets in a space starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space starting at a specific date, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets in a space the user has access to.
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets in a space filtered by status, this does not check for permissions
Return a list of datasets a user can View.
Return a list of datasets a user can View.
Return a list of datasets the user has created starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has created starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has created.
Return a list of datasets the user has created.
Return a list of datasets the user has created starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has created starting at a specific date.
Return a list of datasets the user has created.
Return a list of datasets the user has created.
Move a creator to a new position in the dataset's list of creators
Move a creator to a new position in the dataset's list of creators
Recursively submit requests to archive or unarchive the contents of the given dataset.
Recursively submit requests to archive or unarchive the contents of the given dataset. NOTE: "parameters" includes "operation", which supports both archiving and unarchiving
Remove a creator from the dataset's list of creators
Remove a creator from the dataset's list of creators
Remove file from dataset.
Remove file from dataset.
Remove folder from dataset.
Remove folder from dataset.
Remove follower from a dataset.
Remove follower from a dataset.
Remove association between dataset and space
Remove association between dataset and space
Check recursively whether a (sub)tree of a dataset's metadata matches a requested search subtree.
Check recursively whether a (sub)tree of a dataset's metadata matches a requested search subtree.
Check recursively whether a dataset's user-input metadata match a requested search tree.
Check recursively whether a dataset's user-input metadata match a requested search tree.
Updated dataset.
Updated dataset.
Implementation of updateInformation defined in services/DatasetService.
Implementation of updateInformation defined in services/DatasetService.scala.
Implementation of updateLicenseing defined in services/DatasetService.
Implementation of updateLicenseing defined in services/DatasetService.scala.
Update thumbnail used to represent this dataset.
Update thumbnail used to represent this dataset.
Use Mongodb to store datasets.