The goal of IARP is to analyzing a large corpus of imagery from the Library of Congress. This will entail using extant algorithms and creating new ones to identify features contained in the images and automatically tagging collections of such images according to semantically meaningful categories. Additionally, XSEDE ECSS will aid in integrating the image analyses with the extant metadata that is currently associated with the collection. ECSS will assist with the logistics of the software stack and integration of tools such as DIBBs Brown Dog / NCSA Clowder on the XSEDE HPC system (SDSC Comet).


Kenton McHenry, Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan, Marcus Slavenas
Kenton McHenry, Paul Rodriguez, Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan, Marcus Slavenas, Jeff Will, Bing Zhang
Alan Craig, Kenton McHenry, Paul Rodriguez, Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan, Marcus Slavenas, Jeff Will, Elizabeth Wuerffel, Bing Zhang


Active : This project is supported and actively developed. Confluence, JIRA and source code are available, and we will be able to assist if you have any questions. Any issues reported will be checked and fixed as quickly as possible.