Parse the string assuming ISO8601 dateformat and return a date object.
Given the string return a DateTime.
Given the string return a DateTime. This will ignore any starting and ending quotes.
the string to parse
returns Some(DateTime) if it worked, or None if not.
Given the JsValue return a DateTime.
Given the JsValue return a DateTime. This will ignore any starting and ending quotes.
the value to parse
returns Some(DateTime) if it worked, or None if not.
Given the string return a double.
Given the string return a double. This will ignore any starting and ending quotes.
the string to parse
returns Some(double) if it worked, or None if not.
Given the JsValue return a double.
Given the JsValue return a double. This will ignore any starting and ending quotes.
the value to parse
returns Some(double) if it worked, or None if not.
Given the string, strip off any quotes from beginning and end.
Given the string, strip off any quotes from beginning and end.
the string to be cleaned
the cleaned up string.
Given the JsValue, strip off any quotes from beginning and end.
Given the JsValue, strip off any quotes from beginning and end.
the JsValue to be cleaned
the cleaned up JsValue as string.
Format a date object as a ISO8601 formatted string.
Parse methods.