call code iff user is logged in
call code iff user is logged in
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file.
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file. Useful for when we want to keep the code around but we don't want users to have access to it.
call code if user has right permission for resource
call code if user has right permission for resource
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
call code if user is a server admin
call code if user is a server admin
get user if logged in
get user if logged in
Search MultimediaFeatures.
Finds similar objects(images, pdfs, etc) in Multiple index for a given file (file is already in db)
Finds similar objects(images, pdfs, etc) in Multiple index for a temporary file Input file is NOT in db, just uploaded by user.
Pass a list of indexes and a list of weights to this method.
Pass a list of indexes and a list of weights to this method. Will calculate the weighted combination of the indexes.
Return user based on request object
Return user based on request object
For a list of maps and a corresponding list of weights, finds linear combination of the maps.
For two maps and two corresponding weights, will find linear combinations of corresponding values, using the weights provided
Search using a simple text string
Checks that input has file id, index id, and weight, and that they all are correct.
Checks that input has file id, index id, and weight, and that they all are correct. Returns boolean: true if errors are present String: error message List[Double] : weights
Text search.