call code iff user is logged in
call code iff user is logged in
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file.
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file. Useful for when we want to keep the code around but we don't want users to have access to it.
call code if user has right permission for resource
call code if user has right permission for resource
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
call code if user is a server admin
call code if user is a server admin
get user if logged in
get user if logged in
Builds a specific index in Versus
Gets adapter, extractor, measure and indexer value and sends it to VersusPlugin to create index request to Versus.
Gets adapter, extractor, measure and indexer value and sends it to VersusPlugin to create index request to Versus. If an index has type and/or name, stores type/name in mongo db.
Deletes all indexes in Versus
Deletes a specific index in Versus
Gets the available Adapters from Versus
Gets available extractors from Versus
Gets available Indexers from Versus
Gets indexes from Versus, using VersusPlugin.
Gets indexes from Versus, using VersusPlugin. Checks in mongo on clowder side if these indexes have type and/or name. Adds type and/or name to json object and calls view template to display.
Gets available Measures from Versus
Gets all the distinct types of sections that are getting indexes (i.
Gets all the distinct types of sections that are getting indexes (i.e. 'face', 'census')
Return user based on request object
Return user based on request object
Administration pages.