Class to hold a json key, and any subkeys
call code iff user is logged in
call code iff user is logged in
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file.
Disable a route without having to comment out the entry in the routes file. Useful for when we want to keep the code around but we don't want users to have access to it.
call code iff user has right permission for resource
call code iff user has right permission for resource
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
Use when you want to require the user to be logged in on a private server or the server is public.
call code iff user is a server admin
call code iff user is a server admin
get user if logged in
get user if logged in
Helper function to create list of headers
Helper function to create list of headers
Compute the average value for a sensor.
Compute the average value for a sensor. This will return a single sensor with the average values for that sensor. The next object is waiting in the peekIterator.
list of data for all sensors
a single JsObject which is the average for that sensor
Checks to see if a file with the MD5(description) exists, if so this will return a Enumerator of that file, otherwise it will return None.
Return the file with the given name.
Removes all files from the cache, or the files associated with either sensor_id or stream_id as query parameters.
Removes all files from the cache, or the files associated with either sensor_id or stream_id as query parameters. Specifying sensor_id and stream_id will only remove caching where both are present
Remove the file with the MD5(description) from the cache as well as the associated json file.
Removes all files from the cache
Return a list of all files and their descriptions in the cache.
Write the file to cache, filename in cache is based on MD5(description).
Write the file to cache, filename in cache is based on MD5(description). A second file with the same name but with extension .json is saved that will hold teh actual description.
json object describing the contents of the file.
the actual data that should be saved
an enumerator that will save data as data is being enumerated.
Compute the average value for a sensor.
Compute the average value for a sensor. This will return a single sensor with the average values for that sensor. The next object is waiting in the peekIterator.
list of data for all sensors
a single JsObject which is the average for that sensor
Compute the average values over an area.
Compute the average values over an area. This will return a single object that contains the average data for a point, as well as an array of values for all data that is not a number.
list of sensors inside the area
the actual area definition
an array with a single sensor that has the average values.
Compute the number of times a specific property is found in the data.
Compute the number of times a specific property is found in the data.
list of sensors found
list of sensors where properties show the number of times a specific property has been seen for that sensor.
Compute the average value for each sensor.
Compute the average value for each sensor. This will an object per sensor that contains the average data for a point, as well as an array of values for all data that is not a number.
list of data for all sensors
an array with a all sensors and the average values.
Helper function to create the text that is printed as header
Helper function to create a new prefix based on the key, and current prefix
Return user based on request object
Return user based on request object
Returns the JSON formatted as CSV.
Returns the JSON formatted as CSV.
This will take the first json element and create a header from this. All additional rows will be parsed based on this first header. Any fields not in the first row, will not be outputed.
the json to be converted to CSV.
Tries to transform a response into a JavaScript expression.
Tries to transform a response into a JavaScript expression.
Result to transform
request made to server
Returns the request potentially as jsonp
Returns the request potentially as jsonp
Result to transform
request made to server
Returns the request potentially as jsonp
Returns the request potentially as jsonp
Result to transform
request made to server
Helper function to recursively print the header
Helper function to print data row of JSON Array.
Helper function to print data row of JSON Object.
Geostreaming endpoints. A geostream is a time and geospatial referenced sequence of datapoints.